Pemahaman (comprehension)  umumnya mendapat penekanan dalam proses belajar mengajar. Menurut Bloom (1956: 89-90) “Here we are using the term “comprehension“ to include those objectives, behaviors, or responses which represent an understanding of the literal message contained in a communication. In reaching such understanding, the student may change the communication in his mind or in his overt responses to some parallel from more meaningful to him. There may also be responses which represent simple extensions beyond what is given in the communication it self.
There types of comprehension behavior are considered here:
1.      The first is tranlation which means that an individual can put a communication in other language, into other terms, or into another form of communication. It will usually involve the giving of meaning to the various parts of a communication, taken in isolation, although such meaning may in part be determined by the context in which the ideas appear.
2.      The second type of behavior is interpretation which involves dealing with a communicaton as a configuration of ideas whose comprehension may require a reordering of the ideas into a new configuration in the mind of the individual. This also includes thinking about the relative importance of the ideas, their interrelationships, and their relevance to generalizations implied or described in the original communication. Evidence of interpretation behavior may be found in the inferences, generalizations, or summarizations produced by the individual. Interpretation as here defined differs from analysis. In the latter the emphasis is on the communication. It differs from application in that application is more definitely concerned with the meanings a communication has for other generalizations known by the student have for the communication. It differs from evaluation in that evaluation is characterized by the formulating of judgments explicitly based criteria.
3.      The third type behavior to be considered under comprehension is extrapolation. It includes the making of estimates or predictions based on understanding  of the trends, tendencies, or condition described in the communication. It may also involve the making of inferences with respect to implications, consequences, corollaries and effects which are in accordance with the conditions described in the communication. It differs from application, however, in that the thinking is based on what is given rather than on some abstraction brough from the other experiences to the situation, such as a general principle or rule of procedure. Extrapolation may include judgments with respect to a universe where the communication characterizes a sample, or comversely with respect to a sample where the communication describes a universe. For to the purpose of classification, interpolation may be regarded as a type of extrapolation in that judgments with respect to intervals with in a sequence of data presented in a communication are similar to judgments going beyond the data in the usual sense of extrapolation.
daftar referensi:
Bloom, B. 1956. Taxonomy of Objectives. New York: David Mc.kay


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